Nineteen-year-old Ben Burns (Lucas Hedges) unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben’s mother, Holly (Julia Roberts), is relieved and welcoming but wary of her son staying clean. Over a turbulent 24 hours, new truths are revealed, and a mother's undying love for her son is tested as she does everything in her power to keep him safe.
A gripping drama fueled by powerful performances from Academy Award®-winning actress Julia Roberts and Lucas Hedges, one of the most accomplished young actors working today, Ben Is Back is an intimate look at a mother struggling to protect her son from himself.
Original Title | Ben is back |
Theatrical Release | 10.01.2019 |
Genres | Drama, Thriller |
Country Of Production | USA |
Runtime | 103 minutes |
FSK | 12 |
Director | Peter Hedges |
Producers | Peter Hedges , Nina Jacobson , Teddy Schwarzman , Brad Simpson |
Executive Producers | Jane Evans , Dan Friedkin , Micah Green , Michael Heimler , Mickey Liddell , Pete Shilaimon , Daniel Steinman , Ben Stillman |
Director of Photography | Stuart Dryburgh |
Editor | Ian Blume |
Composer | Dickon Hinchcliffe |
Set Designer | Ford Wheeler |
Costume Designer | Melissa Toth |
Holly Burns | Julia Roberts |
Ben Burns | Lucas Hedges |
Neal Burns | Courtney B. Vance |
Ivy Burns | Kathryn Newton |
Lacey Burns-Beeby | Mia Fowler |
Liam Burns-Beeby | Jakari Fraser |
Clayton | Michael Esper |
Spencer „Spider“ Webbs | David Zaldivar |
Beth Conyers | Rachel Bay Jones |
Cara K | Alexandra Park |